Further, it is very emphatic in two places (9:32 61:8) that this Light cannot be blown out by the disbelievers in fact, it is. It states clearly in Sūrah 5, ayat 15 that: “Indeed from Allāh has come to you a Light and a manifest Book.”. The holy Qur’ān is the common Book to which all Muslims look for their fundamental beliefs.GINAN-E-SHARIF OUR WONDERFUL TRADITION EXTRACTS FROM MUBARAK FARMANS BY MAWLANA HAZAR IMAM 'Many t mes I have recommended to my sp r tual ch ldren that they should remember G nans, that they should understand the mean ng of these G nans and that they should carry these mean ngs n the r hearts.Gugrina Ginan -Saiyad Imamshah Tatha Bai Buthaino Sanvad Ginans and Conversation between Saiyed Imam Shah and Bai Budhai Pirana Satapanthni Pol Sambandhi Saiyad Bavasaheb Ahmadali Khakine Javab (See ) Revealing the scandalous and false claims by Saiyed Ahmad Ali Khaki with respect to the book called Pirana Satpanthni Pol 1927 Around.